dimarts, 16 d’octubre del 2012

Social Networks

La nostra darrera publicació és una versió en anglès del podcast publicat fa uns dies sobre les xarxes socials i les seves possibles conseqüències en la societat. D'aquesta forma volem fer arribar el nostre missatge a qualsevol part del món. Esperem que us agradi i que compartiu amb nosaltres qualsevol opinió!

4 comentaris:

  1. It is true that the influence of technology has increased in few years. For instance, some years ago we went to school with our notebook and our pens and pencils and now we take our computers to work with them in the class. I think this progress is a good thing as long as we use it properly, without using it, for example to chat with our mates by messenger or a program like that :)

    1. Thanks for participating. It's amazing to see how people around the world meet to discuss the same topic. We agree with you to be careful with new technologies and computers at school. Thank you for visiting us !!!

  2. I'm from Guadalajara, Mexico. Here in Mexico the new technologies are not reaching the point of schools. But we have other very important problems like there are many kids who are not even going to school because they are working and they could be eight years old

  3. Yes, you are completely right. It is really important to make children aware of the risks of internet, because they can be more affected by the disadvantages of social networks. However, technology has also positive things, like for example the fact of not carrying a heavy bag full of books to school, or the fact of having all the information that you need to know on internet! Thank you for your comments.
